Your Memory

Is your memory getting worse? #1 complaint I’ve heard over the years from most people over the age of 30 (heck, even “younger” people) is that they want “more energy”, both physically and mentally. Having low energy levels makes your feel “old”. When you have low energy, you just can’t enjoy life as much, right?-… Continue reading Your Memory

Power of a Positive Attitude

Positive attitudes of optimists also predict better reactions during movement to new situations, sudden tragedies and unlikely turn of events. If they fall, they will stand up. They see opportunities instead of problems.  It shouldn’t always be within the surroundings we are in, or maybe in the four  corners of your own room. The difference… Continue reading Power of a Positive Attitude

Skin Rash Help

How to prevent fungal skin rashes, jock itch, athletes foot symptoms.  Most fungal skin conditions can be prevented and treated with the proper procedures. Here are some ideas on controlling athletes foot, jock itch and skin rashes. If you are playing sports skin rashes can be prevented with good personal hygiene. Fungus grows in moist,wet… Continue reading Skin Rash Help